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artist statement

I see the world through a creative lens.

I don't want to simply think outside the box, I want to know what that box looks like.

How big is it?

What is it made out of?

What can it do or have the potential to do? 


I love to create a 'world.' 

Surround characters with bigger than life spaces, tell a story through objects and locations.

Sometimes these "forests," "churches," or "caves," can be recreated using paper bags, carboard boxes, or insulation foam.

It is my creative duty to imagine these places and execute them on a deadline and under financial constraints, yet create the most believable realistic-looking world possible.


My passion for art + design spans many art forms, and having that well-rounded background provides me with a stronger visual eye, one that can see from multiple perspectives, one that is not limited. 


Art must be shared.

Art must inspire.

Art should challenge.

Art should change.

But most importantly, art must stimulate its viewer and if I should not achieve this, I have failed.


Art is my oxygen.

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